From Lean, we know that we need Leadership at all levels. In times when all your competitors have access to the same information, ideas, frameworks and technology that you have, the weakest link becomes Leadership. This includes skills and mindset that are the soil where the culture of an organization lives.
Make People Awesome and Leadership
People are growing to be more and more purpose driven. They want to build awesome products that solve wicked problems. They do that when they feel they are leaders, when they feel enabled by skills and environments around them. By creating leaders rather than followers, we can bring more complex problems to our teams and know that will be solved by inspired and engaged people.
Continuous Delivery and Leadership
Leadership is like hygiene. It stinks if not done frequently. By moving from Reactive Leadership to Creative Leadership, we grow people that do not manage people but systems. It is a way of leading by continuously bringing practices that enable others, that grow communities and are innovative to tackle problems that are not solved by following steps but by collaborating. This kind of leadership continuously enables environments where we see collective ownership and an approach as 1 organization to any challenge that markets and competition throws at us. Decision are made by the people closer to the problem and this brings speed and expert solutions.
Make Safety a Prerequisite and Leadership
Leadership does not work when there is fear. People will wait and do what they are told. “Top of the house” will become the bottleneck for every decision that needs to be made and changes will be hard to make. In environments like these, leadership lacks and we only have layers of managements that resist progress and growth of other people. By bringing safety, these issues are removed and a trusting culture is cultivated. From Lencioni we know that Trust is the fundamental element to grow functional team at all levels. Management traditional roles become coaches and mentors that walk beside people and go through real challenges together
Experiment and Learn Rapidly and Leadership
Growing people and improving systems is a Complex task. From sense making theories we know that the best way to approach these is through
Experimentation and adjustments based on the lessons learned. Building leaders and a learning culture is a journey that requires constant reinforcement, examples and always trying to become a better version of the organization we are today.